The Subversion source-control provider has been tested with SVN 1.4.3.

Provider-specific options

The following environment options are supported:

Property Description
Executable The path to the svn executable.
Lock Supported If Yes, check out and undo check out operations are supported. Check out will issue the svn lock command; check in and undo check out will issue the svn unlock command.
Authentication Selects whether authentication (user name and password) is sent with every command.
Show Updates Selects whether the update (-u flag) is sent with status requests in order to show that new versions are available in the repository. Note that this requires a live connection to the repository: if you are working without a network connection to your repository, you can disable this switch and continue to enjoy source control status information in the Project Explorer and Pending Changes windows.

Connecting to the source-control system

When connecting to source control, the provider checks if the local root is in SVN control. If this is the case, the local and remote root will be set accordingly. If the local root is not in SVN control after you have set the remote root, a svn checkout -N command will be issued to make the local root SVN controlled. This command will also copy any files in the remote root to the local root.

The user name and password you enter will be supplied with each svn command the provider issues.

Source control operations

The SEGGER Embedded Studio source-control operations are implemented using Subversion commands. Mapping SEGGER Embedded Studio source-control operations to Subversion source-control operations is straightforward:

Operation Command
Commit svn commit for the file, with optional comment.
Update svn update for each file.
Revert svn revert for each file.
Resolved svn resolved for each file.
Lock svn lock for each file, with optional comment.
Unlock svn unlock for each file.
Add svn add for each file.
Remove svn remove for each file.
Source Control Explorer svn list with a remote root. svn mkdir to create directories in the repository.