Auto Recovery

Property Description
Auto Recovery Backup Time
Text Editor/Auto Recovery Backup Time – IntegerRange
The time in minutes between saving of auto recovery backups files or 0 to disable generation of backup files.
Auto Recovery Keep Time
Text Editor/Auto Recovery Keep Time – IntegerRange
The time in days to keep unrecovered backup files or 0 to disable deletion of unrecovered backup files.

Cursor Fence

Property Description
Bottom Margin
Text Editor/Margins/Bottom – IntegerRange
The number of lines in the bottom margin.
Keep Cursor Within Fence
Text Editor/Margins/Enabled – Boolean
Enable margins to fence and scroll around the cursor.
Left Margin
Text Editor/Margins/Left – IntegerRange
The number of characters in the left margin.
Right Margin
Text Editor/Margins/Right – IntegerRange
The number of characters in the right margin.
Top Margin
Text Editor/Margins/Top – IntegerRange
The number of lines in the right margin.


Property Description
Allow Drag and Drop Editing
Text Editor/Drag Drop Editing – Boolean
Enables dragging and dropping of selections in the text editor.
Bold Popup Diagnostic Messages
Text Editor/Bold Popup Diagnostics – Boolean
Displays popup diagnostic messages in bold for easier reading.
Column-mode Tab
Text Editor/Column Mode Tab – Boolean
Tab key moves to the next textual column using the line above.
Confirm Modified File Reload
Text Editor/Confirm Modified File Reload – Boolean
Display a confirmation prompt before reloading a file that has been modified on disk.
Copy Action When Nothing Selected
Text Editor/Copy Action – Enumeration
What Copy copies when nothing is selected.
Cut Action When Nothing Selected
Text Editor/Cut Action – Enumeration
What Cut cuts when nothing is selected.
Cut Single Blank Line
Text Editor/Cut Blank Lines – Boolean
Selects whether to place text on the clipboard when a single blank line is cut. When set to Yes, cutting a single blank line will put the blank line on the clipboard. When set to No, cutting a single blank line deletes the line and does not place it on the clipboard.
Diagnostic Cycle Mode
Text Editor/Diagnostic Cycle Mode – Enumeration
Iterates through diagnostics either from most severe to least severe or in reported order.
Edit Read-Only Files
Text Editor/Edit Read Only – Boolean
Allow editing of read-only files.
Enable Virtual Space
Text Editor/Enable Virtual Space – Boolean
Permit the cursor to move into locations that do not currently contain text.
Numeric Keypad Editing
Text Editor/Numeric Keypad Enabled – Boolean
Selects whether the numeric keypad plus and minus buttons copy and cut text.
Tab Key Indents Preprocessor Directives
Text Editor/Tab Key Indents Preprocessor Directives – Boolean
Enables or disables the indentation of C preprocessor directives when using tab key indentation on a selection.
Undo And Redo Behavior
Text Editor/Undo Mode – Enumeration
How Undo and Redo group your typing when it is undone and redone.

Find And Replace

Property Description
Case Sensitive Matching
Text Editor/Find/Match Case – Boolean
Enables or disables the case sensitivity of letters when searching.
Find History
Text Editor/Find/History – StringList
The list of strings recently used in searches.
Regular Expression Matching
Text Editor/Find/Use RegExp – Boolean
Enables regular expression matching rather than plain text matching.
Replace History
Text Editor/Replace/History – StringList
The list of strings recently used in replaces.
Whole Word Matching
Text Editor/Find/Match Whole Word – Boolean
Enables or disables whole word matching when searching.


Property Description
Formatting Options
Text Editor/Formatting Options – StringList
Specify Clang-Format options. See for a description of the Clang-Format options available.
Formatting Style
Text Editor/Formatting Style – Enumeration
Select a set of formatting options based on a named standard.
Use .clang-format File
Text Editor/Use .clang-format File – Boolean
Load code formatting style configuration from a .clang-format file located in one of the parent directories of the source file rather than use the formatting options.


Property Description
Auto-Detect UTF-8
Text Editor/Auto-Detect UTF-8 – Boolean
Auto-detect UTF-8 encoding without signature.
Default Text File Encoding
Text Editor/Default Codec – Enumeration
The encoding to use if not overridden by a project property or file is not in a known format.
Verify Text File Decoding
Text Editor/Verify Decode – Boolean
Specifies whether the decoding of a text file should be verified when file is loaded.


Property Description
Alt+Left Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Alt+Left Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Alt+Left Click.
Alt+Middle Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Alt+Middle Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Alt+Middle Click.
Alt+Right Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Alt+Right Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Alt+Right Click.
Copy On Mouse Select
Text Editor/Copy On Mouse Select – Boolean
Automatically copy text to clipboard when marking a selection with the mouse.
Ctrl+Left Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Ctrl+Left Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Ctrl+Left Click.
Ctrl+Middle Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Ctrl+Middle Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Ctrl+Middle Click.
Ctrl+Right Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Ctrl+Right Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Ctrl+Right Click.
Middle Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Middle Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Middle Click.
Mouse Wheel Adjusts Font Size
Text Editor/Mouse Wheel Adjusts Font Size – Boolean
Enable or disable resizing of font by mouse wheel when CTRL key pressed.
Shift+Middle Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Shift+Middle Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Shift+Middle Click.
Shift+Right Click Action
Environment/Project Explorer/Shift+Right Click Action – Enumeration
The action the editor performs on Shift+Right Click.

Programmer Assistance

Property Description
Text Editor/ATTENTION Tags – StringList
Set the tags to display as ATTENTION comments.
Ask For Index
Text Editor/Ask For Index – Boolean
Ask to index the project if goto symbol fails in current editor context.
Auto-Comment Text
Text Editor/Auto Comment – Boolean
Enable or disable automatically swapping commenting on source lines by typing '/' with an active selection.
Auto-Surround Text
Text Editor/Auto Surround – Boolean
Enable or disable automatically surrounding selected text when typing triangular brackets, quotation marks, parentheses, brackets, or braces.
Check Spelling
Text Editor/Spell Checking – Boolean
Enable spell checking in comments.
Code Completion Characters
Text Editor/Code Completion Characters – IntegerRange
The minimum number of word characters required before showing the code completion suggestions while typing.
Code Completion Replaces Existing Word
Text Editor/Completion Replaces Existing Word – Boolean
Replace existing word with completion suggestion if cursor is located on one.
Code Completion Suggestion Selection Key
Text Editor/Suggestion Selection Key – Enumeration
The key used to select a code completion suggestion.
Display Code Completion Suggestions While Typing
Text Editor/Suggest Completion While Typing – Boolean
Enable code completion as you type without needing to use the show suggestions key (Ctrl+J).
Enable Popup Diagnostics
Text Editor/Enable Popup Diagnostics – Boolean
Enables on-screen popup diagnostics messages.
FIXME Tag List
Text Editor/FIXME Tags – StringList
Set the tags to display as FIXME comments.
Inactive Code Opacity
Text Editor/Inactive Code Opacity – IntegerRange
Specifies the opacity of code that has been conditionally excluded by the preprocessor.
Include Preprocessor Definitions in Suggestions
Text Editor/Preprocessor Definition Suggestions – Boolean
Include or exclude preprocessor definitions in code completion suggestions.
Include Templates in Suggestions
Text Editor/Template Suggestions – Boolean
Include or exclude templates in code completion suggestions.
Lint Tag List
Text Editor/LINT Tags – StringList
Set the tags to display as Lint directives.
Select First Code Completion Selection
Text Editor/Select First Suggestion – Boolean
Automatically select first suggestion when showing suggestions
Show Diagnostics
Text Editor/Show Diagnostics – Enumeration
Enables on-screen diagnostics in the text editor.
Show Inactive Code
Text Editor/Show Inactive Code – Enumeration
Show code that has been conditionally excluded by the preprocessor.
Show Inline Diagnostics
Text Editor/Show Inline Diagnostics – Enumeration
Enables inline diagnostics in the text editor.
Show Symbol Declaration Tooltips
Text Editor/Show Tooltip – Boolean
Show tooltips when hovering over symbols.
Template Characters To Match
Text Editor/Template Suggestions Characters – IntegerRange
The number of characters to match before suggesting a template.


Property Description
Backup File History Depth
Text Editor/Backup File Depth – IntegerRange
The number of backup files to keep when saving an existing file.
Default Line Endings
Text Editor/Default Line Endings – Enumeration
The line ending format to use for a new file or a file where the existing line ending format cannot be determined.
Delete Trailing Space On Save
Text Editor/Delete Trailing Space On Save – Boolean
Deletes trailing whitespace from each line when a file is saved.
Format On Save
Text Editor/Format On Save – Enumeration
Formats text when a file is saved.
Tab Cleanup On Save
Text Editor/Cleanup Tabs On Save – Enumeration
Cleans up tabs when a file is saved.

Visual Appearance

Property Description
Fold Comments
Text Editor/Fold Comments – Boolean
Allow multiline comments to be collapsed.
Fold Preprocessor Directives
Text Editor/Fold Preprocessor Directives – Boolean
Allow preprocessor directives to be collapsed.
Text Editor/Font – FixedPitchFont
The font to use for text editors.
Font Rendering
Text Editor/Font Rendering – Enumeration
The font rendering scheme to use in text editors.
Font Smoothing Threshold
Text Editor/Antialias Threshold – IntegerRange
The minimum size for font smoothing: font sizes smaller than this will have antialiasing turned off.
Hide Cursor When Typing
Text Editor/Hide Cursor When Typing – Boolean
Hide or show the I-beam cursor when you start to type.
Highlight All Selected Text
Text Editor/Highlight All Selected Text – Boolean
Enable or disable visually highlighting all text that matches the current selection.
Highlight Cursor Line
Text Editor/Highlight Cursor Line – Boolean
Enable or disable visually highlighting the cursor line.
Highlight References
Text Editor/Highlight References – Boolean
Enable or disable visually highlighting of references.
Horizontal Scroll Bar
Text Editor/HScroll Bar – Enumeration
Show or hide the horizontal scroll bar.
Insert Caret Style
Text Editor/Insert Caret Style – Enumeration
How the caret is displayed with the editor in insert mode.
Line Numbers
Text Editor/Line Number Mode – Enumeration
How often line numbers are displayed in the margin.
Mate Match Off Screen
Text Editor/Mate Match Off Screen – Boolean
Specifies whether braces, brackets, and parentheses are matched when off screen.
Mate Matching Mode
Text Editor/Mate Matching Mode – Enumeration
Controls when braces, brackets, and parentheses are matched.
Maximum Collapsed Fold Preview Lines
Text Editor/Maximum Collapsed Fold Preview Lines – IntegerRange
The maximum number of lines to show in a collapsed fold preview tooltip.
Minimum Scroll Width
Text Editor/Minimum Scroll Width – IntegerRange
Specifies the minimum width of the scrolling region in characters.
Overwrite Caret Style
Text Editor/Overwrite Caret Style – Enumeration
How the caret is displayed with the editor in overwrite mode.
Selection Opacity
Text Editor/Selection Opacity – IntegerRange
Specifies the opacity of text selection.
Show Bookmarks In Vertical Scroll Bar
Text Editor/Show Bookmarks In Vertical Scroll Bar – Boolean
Annotate the vertical scroll bar with bookmark positions.
Show Breakpoints In Vertical Scroll Bar
Text Editor/Show Breakpoints In Vertical Scroll Bar – Boolean
Annotate the vertical scroll bar with breakpoint positions.
Show Caret Position In Vertical Scroll Bar
Text Editor/Show Caret In Vertical Scroll Bar – Boolean
Annotate the vertical scroll bar with the caret's position within the document.
Show Diagnostic Icons In Gutter
Text Editor/Diagnostic Icons – Boolean
Enables display of diagnostic icons in the icon gutter.
Show Errors In Vertical Scroll Bar
Text Editor/Show Errors In Vertical Scroll Bar – Boolean
Annotate the vertical scroll bar with error positions.
Show Fold Gutter
Text Editor/Fold Gutter – Boolean
Show or hide the left-hand gutter containing folding controls.
Show Icon Gutter
Text Editor/Icon Gutter – Boolean
Show or hide the left-hand gutter containing breakpoint, bookmark, and optional diagnostic icons.
Show Mini Toolbar
Text Editor/Mini Toolbar – Boolean
Show the mini toolbar when selecting text with the mouse.
Show Toolbar
Text Editor/ShowWidgetStrip – Boolean
Show or hide the Editor toolbar in the dock window.
Show Warnings In Vertical Scroll Bar
Text Editor/Show Warnings In Vertical Scroll Bar – Boolean
Annotate the vertical scroll bar with warning positions.
Use I-beam Cursor
Text Editor/Ibeam cursor – Boolean
Show an I-beam or arrow cursor in the text editor.
Vertical Scroll Bar
Text Editor/VScroll Bar – Enumeration
Show or hide the vertical scroll bar.
View Whitespace
Text Editor/View Whitespace – Boolean
Make whitespace characters visible in the text editor.