
Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/AutosWindow/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/AutosWindow/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/AutosWindow/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/AutosWindow/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/AutosWindow/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.

Call Stack

Property Description
Execution Frame at Top
Environment/Call Stack/Most Recent At Top – Boolean
Controls whether the most recent call is at the top or the bottom of the list.
Show Call Address
Environment/Call Stack/Show Call Address – Boolean
Enables the display of the call address in the call stack.
Show Call Source Location
Environment/Call Stack/Show Call Location – Boolean
Enables the display of the call source location in the call stack.
Show Frame Size
Environment/Call Stack/Show Stack Usage – Boolean
Enables the display of the amount of stack used by the call.
Show Frame Size In Bytes
Environment/Call Stack/Show Stack Usage In Bytes – Boolean
Display the stack usage in bytes rather than words.
Show Parameter Names
Environment/Call Stack/Show Parameter Names – Boolean
Enables the display of parameter names in the call stack.
Show Parameter Types
Environment/Call Stack/Show Parameter Types – Boolean
Enables the display of parameter types in the call stack.
Show Parameter Values
Environment/Call Stack/Show Parameter Values – Boolean
Enables the display of parameter values in the call stack.
Show Stack Pointer
Environment/Call Stack/Show Stack Pointer – Boolean
Enables the display of the stack pointer in the call stack.
Show Stack Usage
Environment/Call Stack/Show Cumulative Stack Usage – Boolean
Enables the display of the amount of stack used.
Show Stack Usage In Bytes
Environment/Call Stack/Show Cumulative Stack Usage In Bytes – Boolean
Display the stack usage in bytes rather than words.

Clipboard Ring

Property Description
Maximum Items Held In Ring
Environment/Clipboard Ring/Max Entries – IntegerRange
The maximum number of items held on the clipboard ring before they are recycled.
Preserve Contents Between Runs
Environment/Clipboard Ring/Save – Boolean
Save the clipboard ring across SEGGER Embedded Studio runs.

Debug Terminal

Property Description
Backscroll Buffer Lines
Debug Terminal/Backscroll Buffer Lines – IntegerRange
The number of lines you can see when you scroll backward in the debug terminal window.
Use Window System Colors
Debug Terminal/Use Window System Colors – Boolean
Substitute window system colors for ANSI black background and white foreground in debug terminal.

Find Symbol Dialog

Property Description
Group Symbols
Windows/Find Symbol Dialog/Group Symbols – Boolean
Group symbols by type.
Windows/Find Symbol Dialog/Scope – Enumeration
Specifies whether to search for symbols in the entire workspace or only the current document.

Frame Buffer

Property Description
Maximum Frame Buffer Height
Environment/Frame Buffer Window/Maximum Height – IntegerRange
Specifies the maximum frame buffer height.
Maximum Frame Buffer Width
Environment/Frame Buffer Window/Maximum Width – IntegerRange
Specifies the maximum frame buffer width.
Show Frame Buffer Tooltips
Environment/Frame Buffer Window/Display Tooltips – Boolean
Specifies whether tooltips are displayed in the frame buffer window.


Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/GlobalsWindow/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/GlobalsWindow/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/GlobalsWindow/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/GlobalsWindow/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/GlobalsWindow/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.


Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/LocalsWindow/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/LocalsWindow/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/Watch4Window/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/Watch3Window/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/Watch2Window/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/Watch1Window/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/AutosWindow/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/GlobalsWindow/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Struct Offsets
Environment/LocalsWindow/Show Struct Offsets – Boolean
Show offsets of structure fields in the address column.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/LocalsWindow/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/LocalsWindow/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/LocalsWindow/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.


Property Description
Confirm Large Download
Environment/Memory Window/Confirm Size – Boolean
Present a warning if you attempt to download a large amount of memory in the memory window.
Group Auto Columns
Environment/Memory Window/Group Auto Columns – Boolean
Selects whether columns are grouped in automatic column mode.
Locate Sets Entry Width
Environment/Memory Window/Locate Sets Entry Width – Boolean
Set the memory window entry width if possible when locating.
Locate Sets Size
Environment/Memory Window/Locate Sets Size – Boolean
Set the memory window size when locating.
Scroll Wheel Modifies Start Address
Environment/Memory Window/Scroll Wheel Modifies Start Address – Boolean
Selects whether the mouse scroll wheel can change the memory window start address.
Selecting Modifies Start Address
Environment/Memory Window/Selecting Modifies Start Address – Boolean
Selects whether the memory window start address can change when selecting.


Property Description
Group Top-Level Declarations
Windows/Outline/Group Top Level Items – Boolean
Group consecutive top-level variable and type declarations.
Show Function Arguments
Windows/Outline/Show Function Args – Boolean
Show function arguments.

Project Explorer

Property Description
Add Filename Replace Macros
Environment/Project Explorer/Filename Replace Macros – StringList
Macros (system and global) used to replace the start of a filename on project file addition.
Check Solution Target
Environment/Project Explorer/Check Solution Target – Boolean
Specifies whether to check target is correct when loading a solution.
Color Project Nodes
Environment/Project Explorer/Color Nodes – Boolean
Show the project nodes colored for identification in the Project Explorer.
Confirm Configuration Folder Delete
Project Explorer/Confirm Configuration Folder Delete – Boolean
Display a confirmation prompt before deleting a configuration folder cotaining properties.
Confirm File Replacement Warning
Project Explorer/Confirm File Replacement Warning – Boolean
Display a confirmation prompt before replacing project files for import and creation
Confirm Forget Modified Options
Project Explorer/Confirm Reject Property Changes – Boolean
Display a confirmation prompt before forgetting option modifications.
Context Menu Edit Options At Top
Environment/Project Explorer/Context Menu Properties Position – Boolean
Controls where Edit Options are displayed by the Project Explorer's context menu.
Context Menu Uses Common Folder
Environment/Project Explorer/Context Menu Common Folder – Boolean
Controls how common options are displayed by the Project Explorer's context menu.
External Editor
Environment/Project Explorer/External Editor – FileName
The file name of the application to use as the external text editor. The external editor is started by holding down the Shift key when opening files from the project explorer.
Highlight Dynamic Items
Environment/Project Explorer/Show Dynamic Overlay – Boolean
Show an overlay on an item if it is populated from a dynamic folder.
Highlight External Items
Environment/Project Explorer/Show Non-Local Overlay – Boolean
Show an overlay on an item if it is not held within the project directory.
Output Files Folder
Environment/Project Explorer/Show Output Files – Boolean
Show the build output files in an Output Files folder in the project explorer.
Read-Only Data In Code
Environment/Project Explorer/Statistics Read-Only Data Handling – Boolean
Configures whether read-only data contributes to the Code or Data statistic.
Show Dependencies
Environment/Project Explorer/Dependencies Display – Enumeration
Controls how the dependencies are displayed.
Show Favorite Properties
Environment/Project Explorer/Context Menu Show Favorites – Boolean
Controls if favorite properties are displayed by the Project Explorer's context menu.
Show File Count on Folder
Environment/Project Explorer/Count Files – Boolean
Show the number of files contained in a folder as a badge in the Project Explorer.
Show Modified Options on Folder/File
Environment/Project Explorer/Show Modified Properties – Boolean
Show if a folder or file has modified options as a badge in the Project Explorer.
Show Options
Environment/Project Explorer/Properties Display – Enumeration
Controls how the options are displayed.
Show Project Count on Solution
Environment/Project Explorer/Count Projects – Boolean
Show the number of projects contained in a solution as a badge in the Project Explorer.
Show Source Control Annotation
Environment/Project Explorer/Show Source Control Annotation – Boolean
Annotate items in the project explorer with their source control status.
Show Statistics Rounded
Environment/Project Explorer/Statistics Format – Boolean
Show exact or rounded sizes in the project explorer.
Source Control Status Column
Environment/Project Explorer/Show Source Control Column – Boolean
Show the source control status column in the project explorer.
Starred Files Names
Environment/Project Explorer/Starred File Names – StringList
The list of wildcard-matched file names that are highligted with stars, to bring attention to themselves, in the Project Explorer.
Statistics Column
Environment/Project Explorer/Statistics Display – Boolean
Show the code and data size columns in the Project Explorer.
Synchronize Explorer With Editor
Environment/Project Explorer/Sync Editor – Boolean
Synchronizes the Project Explorer with the document being edited.
Use Common Options Folder
Environment/Project Explorer/Common Properties Display – Boolean
Controls how common options are displayed.

Registers 1

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Registers1Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in register value display.
Show Register Address Column
Environment/Registers1Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the register address column is displayed.

Registers 2

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Registers2Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in register value display.
Show Register Address Column
Environment/Registers2Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the register address column is displayed.

Registers 3

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Registers3Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in register value display.
Show Register Address Column
Environment/Registers3Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the register address column is displayed.

Registers 4

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Registers4Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in register value display.
Show Register Address Column
Environment/Registers4Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the register address column is displayed.

Source Navigator

Property Description
Group Symbols
Windows/Source Navigator/Group Symbols – Boolean
Group symbols by type.
Windows/Source Navigator/Scope – Enumeration
Specifies whether to search for symbols in the entire workspace or only the current document.

Symbol Browser

Property Description
Code Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Code – Boolean
Selects whether the Code field is displayed.
Const Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Const – Boolean
Selects whether the Const field is displayed.
Data Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Data – Boolean
Selects whether the Data field is displayed.
Frame Size Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Frame Size – Boolean
Selects whether the Frame Size field is displayed.
Range Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Range – Boolean
Selects whether the Range field is displayed.
Section Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Section – Boolean
Selects whether the Section field is displayed.
Size Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Size – Boolean
Selects whether the Size field is displayed.
Sort Criteria
Environment/Symbol Browser/Grouping – Enumeration
Selects how to sort or group the symbols displayed.
Type Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Type – Boolean
Selects whether the Type field is displayed.
Value Field
Environment/Symbol Browser/Display Value – Boolean
Selects whether the Value field is displayed.

Terminal Emulator

Property Description
Backscroll Buffer Lines
Terminal Emulator/Backscroll Buffer Lines – IntegerRange
The number of lines you can see when you scroll backward in the terminal emulator window.
Baud Rate
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Baud Rate – Enumeration
Baud rate used when transmitting and receiving data.
Data Bits
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Data Bits – Enumeration
Number of data bits to use when transmitting and receiving data.
Flow Control
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Flow Control – Enumeration
The flow control method to use.
Line Feed On Carriage Return
Terminal Emulator/Line Feed On Carriage Return – Boolean
Append a line feed character when a carriage return character is received.
Local Echo
Terminal Emulator/Local Echo – Boolean
Displays every character typed before sending to the remote computer.
Maximum Input Block Size
Terminal Emulator/Maximum Input Block Size – IntegerRange
The maximum number of bytes to read at a time.
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Parity – Enumeration
Parity used when transmitting and receiving data.
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Port – COMPort
The communications port to use, e.g. /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, etc.
Port Used By Target Interface
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Port Used By Target Interface – Boolean
The COM port will be disconnected when the target interface is connected and reconnected when the target interface is disconnected.
Terminal Emulator/Communications/DTR – Boolean
Set the DTR signal.
Stop Bits
Terminal Emulator/Communications/Stop Bits – Enumeration
Number of stop bits to use when transmitting data.

Watch 1

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Watch1Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/Watch1Window/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/Watch1Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/Watch1Window/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/Watch1Window/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.

Watch 2

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Watch2Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/Watch2Window/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/Watch2Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/Watch2Window/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/Watch2Window/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.

Watch 3

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Watch3Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/Watch3Window/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/Watch3Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/Watch3Window/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/Watch3Window/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.

Watch 4

Property Description
Show Digit Separator
Environment/Watch4Window/Show Digit Separator – Boolean
Show digit separator in variable value display.
Show Member Functions
Environment/Watch4Window/Show Member Functions – Boolean
Controls whether C++ class member functions are displayed.
Show Variable Address Column
Environment/Watch4Window/Show Address Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable address column is displayed.
Show Variable Size Column
Environment/Watch4Window/Show Size Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable size column is displayed.
Show Variable Type Column
Environment/Watch4Window/Show Type Column – Boolean
Controls whether the variable type column is displayed.


Property Description
Buffer Grouping
Environment/Windows/Grouping – Enumeration
How the files are grouped or listed in the Windows window.
Show File Path as Tooltip
Environment/Windows/Show Filename Tooltips – Boolean
Show the full file name as a tooltip when hovering over files in the Windows window.
Show Line Count and File Size
Environment/Windows/Show Sizes – Boolean
Show the number of lines and size of each file in the windows list.